Well it looks like I am all in now ladies and gents. July 10th Glenwood Springs, CO grass polo tournament.
Tourney Format- Round Robin starting at 10AM to 2PM with a break till 6PM with the Bracket play till 10 under the lights.
Polo “Pill” used – is the small soccer size
Round Robin is games to 3 win by 2 and Bracket play is games to 5 win by 2 as I understand it.
Goals are alleged to be 5’ wide with goalies allowed.
Camping is available at host houses or local camp area, don’t know what the motel scene is like.
It appears to be a 6 hour drive from Salt Lake.
Teams allowed in the tourney are 9 and we have a spot saved for us, team size is 4 on the field and one alternate (if available) if there is enough interest for two teams from our club, they said they would allow the cap number to change.
There is a $15 entry fee per team.
It's go time fools! Time to start working on some upper body and core, and if possible watch what I eat a little better...and maybe what I drink HA!
If anyone else may be interested let's get together and talk about it.